The CayMon tool takes as its input a polynomial P and gives you an equational theory Cayley-represented by the type PX→X together with the associated monad. For example, the type X→X (the one for the polynomial PX = X) gives you the equational theory of monoids together with the usual implementation of the list monad.
- For a gentle introduction on how to use CayMon and what it can generate for you, take a look at the tutorial.
- For a more mathy explanation, read the FOSSACS 2019 paper.
The initial version of CayMon has been developed as a part of Algebraic Effects and Continuations, a project under National Science Centre, Poland, POLONEZ 3 grant number 2016/23/P/ST6/02217.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 665778.